Introducing For All Mothers+

It all started as a moment that sparked a movement that catalyzed an impact that evolved into a mobilization. 

Today, we’re excited to introduce For All Mothers+, the evolution of the organization formerly known as &Mother. The new name reflects our continued focus on mothers while looking ahead as we expand our mission. 

We are on a mission to eliminate the motherhood penalty. We are breaking down barriers that limit mothers and building a world where they can thrive in pursuit of health, career, and personal ambition.


&Mother created an impact by advocating for safety in identity for mothers in sports: a multi-hyphenated identity they could own and not be penalized for. It gave women a platform to showcase that they could continue pursuing their passions as mothers if a family-first infrastructure is in place. When mothers thrive, families thrive. 

We became known for our ground-breaking work in the running industry, providing lactation stations on race courses, childcare spaces at track events, contract protections for professional athletes, and grants to bridge the financial gap. Mothers started to thrive as a result and used their podium moments to rally moms everywhere by asserting that this “was for all the moms out there!”

And thus, we were inspired to adopt this rallying cry as our new name: For All Mothers+. &Mother was a descriptor meant to hold space for women’s full identities as mothers adjacent to the many other aspects of their identity. In this new phase of our brand, we embrace a name that is a call to action: to bring mothers together and move change forward. Now, we are saying it collectively. To all mothers: We see you, we hear you, we fight for you!

The name For All Mothers+, represents the breadth of our current work, which includes family planning resources, narratives from sports beyond running, broader grant qualifications, and creating podium moments for non-athlete mothers in the industry (staff, coaches, managers, journalists, etc.). The ecosystem matters for all of us to belong and play a part in it, and we continue to leverage the public lens of sports to serve as a microcosm of what is happening across industries. 

Through our brand transformation, we’ve retained the word “mother” from &Mother as mothers continue to be the focus of our work. But, in the spirit of our expanded focus and the changing landscape of our work, we added “plus” to serve many purposes:

  • It acknowledges that our work includes anyone who identifies as a “mother,” not just female-bodied individuals. 

  • We also advocate for mothers of families that are created via modern pathways such as surrogacy, IVF, adoption, etc.

  • You’ll also see us use the acronym FAM+, which is a holistic hug to the “family” support system that cares for mothers since the ultimate intent of our work is to create healthier families through the health and happiness of the mother. 

  • FAM+ also includes our “family” of partners, sponsors, and advocates.

  • We see the title of “mother” as a plus/value-add to any resume. 

What will you see from us next? We are hammering down on a long list of programming leading up to the Summer Olympic Games Los Angeles 2028 with the intent that we’ll see mother-support standards fully implemented at The Games. As you can imagine, many conversations will be required with National Governing Bodies and Players ’ Associations to establish family-first infrastructure across all sports. There’s lots of research to be done, playbooks to be written, and policies to standardize, so we have our hands full!

Help us get to the finish line:

  • National Governing Bodies and Players’ Associations: Let’s work together to build family-first infrastructure (childcare, lactation support, paid maternity leave, etc.) for your athletes, coaches, and staff. 

  • Brands/Sponsors: Let’s partner to demonstrate your commitment to building a better world for mothers and their families. If you sponsor professional athletes, pledge to adopt model contract policies that protect women through motherhood.

  • Professional Athletes: Your stories are shifting the narrative. Share them with us so we can guide you on how to advocate for contract policies that protect your motherhood and, or see if you qualify for any of our grant programs.  

  • Mothers/Supporters: Stay tuned for ways to become a member of our FAM+ community, host a fundraising event, or run under one of our charity bibs!

For all mothers!


For All Mothers+ Grants Support Team USA Mothers at the International Bobsleigh and Skeleton Federation (IBSF) World Championships